YourWords STL

We do what we like and we like what we do

Guest Blog Post by (Former) Tutor Coordinator, Jennifer Rengachary


About a year ago, I decided I was only going to do things that I really wanted to do. Things that make me feel excited and hopeful.

Almost 2 months in at Marygrove, I know for sure that tutoring is one of those things. The hour or so I spend there pushes all my buttons. I feel needed; it’s social; I spend time with people of an age group I wouldn’t otherwise;I’m learning new skills.

As I emphasize when reaching out to potential tutors, you don’t have to be a creative writer yourself to volunteer with us. Case in point: ME. So when Anna asked if I wanted to do today’s blog, I needed a little inspiration to get me started. One new technique I learned from Anna, right along with the students, is that you can use a favorite song lyric as a starting point for your own writing… so thanks Anna, and thanks Andrew W.K., for getting me going.

This week, instead of composing something new, we reviewed the writing completed so far, polishing up the most promising rough drafts. The volume and quality produced are pretty impressive to me. I am excited to think of what these works will look like once they are typed up and printed. I hope the students feel as proud of themselves as I do. I hope that some of them will keep writing creatively. I hope that those who aren’t destined to be the creative type will retain some of the writing skills we’re working on together here since that’s an ability necessary for most disciplines.

Speaking of professional futures, my student brought in some college brochures to show me. Honestly, I don’t think he needs my help to get there. He knows what he likes, and he knows what he wants to do already, and I have every hope he’ll get it. But maybe all of this writing will tip the scales further in his favor by helping him develop college application essay. Now THAT will be a piece of writing that I’ll be excited to read.





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